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Summary of events leading up to the wrongful convictions and Job discrimination.

My husband Gregory Spence has been incarcerated for 20 years in Illinois correctional facility wrongly convicted and denied post-conviction twice by the same judge “Stanley Sacks” that presided him. He has petitioned the Cook County Conviction Integrity Unit to investigate since early part of 2023. He also has asked for a clemency with the Governor waiting for his recommendation by the Parole Board to be signed by the Governor since March 2023. This conviction was orchestrated by corruption in the Law Enforcement of Cook County, Illinois. The STAR witness could not identify me; she described someone that was not me! She stated in an email my wife inquired about to her that “she did not see the perpetrator face”. The victim could not pick me out in a line-up, he put an X over someone else that wasn’t me and stated he had seen me before; clearly, he was talking about someone else because I had not seen this man a day in my life, “maybe the man he put the X over his head? he was coerced by District Attorney to point me out in court stating to him he needed his glasses! There was no forensic evidence on the weapons with my fingerprints! There was no evidence pointing to me! The detectives coerced me into signing a confession they wrote by way of threatening with violence, punching me stating “the red pen he held in his hand could send me to prison for a long time”. The lineup and documents collaborating my story is in the “Portfolio tab”.

My son Curtis Hodges that is diagnosed with schizophrenia was allowed to plead guilty to a serious crime and received life in Hawaii jurisdiction and is in Arizona Correctional Facility who contracts with the “Hawaii Department of Corrections” and is not getting adequate healthcare and being kept in segregation for long periods of time. This wrongful conviction is solely based on taking advantage of someone with mental illness & misconceptions of the discovery and evidence, possibly illegal interrogation. My son went into a Social Security Office and asked to be his own payee even after the Judge said, “he could never be his own payee”, prior to this last impulse to take off to distance places; this time I tracked him down in Hawaii; the “Hilo Law enforcement Officer called me and told me they had located him; he had been attacked but was okay and I needed to get him home before something bad happened to him. Three days later he was picked up at a hostile that morning after Law enforcement found the victim hours before, with a shirt hanging on the bed post that had “Shock the Nation” on it! He was picked up by a stranger at some point that paid for his room and purchased the shirt for him. His Attorney “Shapiro”, stated there wasn’t enough blood on the shirt to substantiate the stab wound. There wasn’t a weapon found. My son was examined by three Psychiatrist/Psychologist that stated he wasn’t malingering when he stated he did not stab the victim. He was transported to Honolulu, for treatment and then told that he wanted to plead guilty and insisted on it! His Lawyer “Shapiro” told me there was nothing he can do because he is an adult; But my son was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and experiences delusions and hears commanding voices. My son didn’t get an opportunity to plead his innocence. Documents will be posted on the “Portfolio tab” as we get them!

I was terminated on 5/7/2024 from a non-profit organization for reporting a hostile work environment to the employer. The Executive Director and the Board President engaged in this malicious act of the Supervisor and co-workers evident by my termination. This is a service provided to Families of Domestic Violence. They terminated a client that refused to engage in their malicious behaviors. The client was a stage 4 cancer patient; and they just threw her out on the street and “told her to go back to her abuser”, by the Supervisor “Michelle”. The supervisor Michelle and Coworker Erna went to clients in the program coercing them to write grievance letters on me because they were trying to get me fired”. Michelle, Erna and Vivian had been on the job for twenty years before “Michelle became Director of the residential program in 2021”, This is when the harassment started. I first reported the harassment to the Executive Director “Karmin Carter” on November 2023; who then told me “If I didn’t like my job to leave” and what I believe is a racial statement ” that everybody is not out to get me”. Then after this last incident “clients coerced into writing grievance letters”, I went to the “Board of Directors president” Hope Dunleavy; she hired an Employers Council who clearly made the investigation one-sided. I was then terminated based on poor performance typical of someone reporting “working in a hostile environment! I have witness testimony from previous clients on how these women was re-traumatizing them with their narcissistic behaviors “Documents will be downloaded on the “Portfolio Tab”.

We are seeking justice and would like for the public’s opinion to weigh in and provide support. We will be presenting a timeline of the events on this website. Comments, suggestions and welcomed donations to continue to build a platform to advocate and provide support for systemic failures in families of color and marginalized populations. Thank you in advance for your support.


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